You will have some tricks up your sleeves when it comes to fighting off this array of enemies. In fact, the first boss battle in this Super Nintendo game takes place in an arcade against a group of local bullies. You'll fight everything from possessed cars to hippies and yetis. The realistic slant of EarthBound extends to the enemies as well. Even if an enemy scores a critical hit on you, you can still heal yourself before you pass out if you're quick enough. The HP system in EarthBound is unique rather than the damage coming off immediately, it counts down from a counter. You'll exchange blows back and forth until your enemies fall. This view means that when combat begins, you can see your enemies, but you can't see your characters. EarthBound uses a turn-based combat system in the first-person view.

As you travel from location to location, you will encounter enemies to battle. You'll control Ness and a group of characters while visiting eight sanctuaries to collect melodies and stop the threat.

Giygas seeks to take over the world and turn all creatures and humans into malicious beings. An otherworldly presence instructs you to find eight powerful objects to stop an evil force called Giygas from consuming the world. This SNES game starts in your small village of Onett where a meteor has crash-landed in your backyard. Even your weapons are baseball bats and slingshots instead of swords and shields. To get from location to location, you buy a ticket for the bus. To save your game, you'll call your father using a payphone. As Ness, you won't venture into castles and villages but rather cities and laboratories. EarthBound, known as the Mother 2 in Japan, was designed as a realistic RPG game. Much of that has to do with the game's story.