When you want to unlock a locked note in Notes, you can do so using the following steps: So you may want to avoid having confidential information in the title of your notes. Keep in mind that when you password-protect a note, its title is still visible on Notes’ home page (page with the entire notes list). Click the (unlocked) lock icon to lock the note.Click on the More button on the top-right corner.Launch Notes and open the note you want to lock.If you created your Notes password from the Notes app itself, you’ll have that particular note protected with the set password, in which case, these steps will help you lock other notes. Once you’ve created your Notes password, follow the steps below to lock notes on your iPhone. Note: If you don’t see the lock option on a note, it could either be because that note is being shared with someone else or it isn’t synced to your iCloud account-and instead, synced to third-party email services like Gmail, Yahoo, etc. So if you need to secure a note on the Notes app, you’ll need to follow the instructions in the following section. Unlike setting up a Notes password in the Notes app, this method won’t lock any of your notes.