The desktop modeler is fully featured and can do anything you imagine. Interface with 3D printers, CNC routing, and other shop machines All the features of the Pro Plus include Daylight analysis, Building energy analysis, and HVAC sizing. It is designed to address specific needs, such as. SketchUp Shop is a SketchUp version that’s specifically designed for DIY designers, woodworkers, and makers.

SketchUp users can upload and download 3D models from 3D Warehouse to share. Google SketchUp is an easy-to-use, free 3D-modeling tool that allows you to create 3D models for houses, sheds, and decks, as well as woodworking projects. SketchUp Make 2017 64-bit is a free and easy-to-learn 3D modeling program that lets you create 3D models for houses, sheds decks, homes, additions, woodworking projects, spaceships, and more. Your models can be placed in Google Earth and shared with others via the 3D Warehouse. You can also design with high dimensional accuracy. Your models can be customized with textures, details, and glass. SketchUp Make 2017 is an easy-to-learn 3D modeling program that allows you to create 3D models of your houses, sheds, and decks. It also allows for the placement of the models within Google Earth. SketchUp includes surface rendering in various “styles” and drawing layout functionality. owns SketchUp, a company that specializes in mapping and navigation equipment. When Trimble acquired SketchUp, it forked the product into several tiers, keeping the free desktop version around as “SketchUp Make.SketchUp offers a Ruby console that allows you to experiment with Ruby.

The SketchUp web app is decent and might be good enough for many people, but for a long time, the desktop version was completely free, too. If you want the latest full desktop app, you’re looking at $300 a year for personal use. At the time of this writing, the only modern free version of SketchUp is a web app.

SketchUp has changed hands a few times over the years, once having been owned by Google, and currently owned by a company called Trimble.

Trimble even warns it might have security problems as it hasn’t been updated since 2017. However, as of May 2022, the official SketchUp website is no longer offering the free version (SketchUp Make 2017) for download. Update, 5/23/22: This worked when we published it in 2021. Or does it? You can still download a free desktop version if you know where to look. Originally released as free open-source software, the popular 3D-modeling program SketchUp now comes with a premium price tag.